Automatically Generate a Diagram of Your AWS Architecture

SmartDraw's AWS template lets you import your Amazon Web Services information and automatically generate a diagram of your AWS architecture.

Start with the AWS Template

You can find the new AWS template in the Network Design category.

To create your diagram, click on the Import AWS button in the SmartPanel to the left of your drawing area.

AWS Template

Import Your AWS Information

Name your diagram and select the region you want to visualize.

To authenticate with AWS, enter your AWS Secret Token and Key Token.

Import AWS data

Once your diagram is generated, you'll see a visual of your VPCs, Virtual Private Clouds, in the region you selected. Under each VPC, you'll see groupings for your Availability Zones and subnets. The symbols within the subnets represent all of your resources.

AWS diagram

You can click on the blue "i" icon on each shape to view its metdata. This will contain information about each resource, like instance type, operation status, stack name and a whole lot more.

AWS metadata

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