What Happen to You After Giving Birth

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What Happen to You After Giving Birth?
Most women (and men, too) experience one of life's peak highs right after childbirth. A wild mix ol feelings courses through you: euphoria and incredulity that your baby is here at last, pride that your body - accomplished such a feat, relief that the physical work is over, and an instant I'd-lay-down-my-life-for-you love more. powerful than you may have ever imagined. Thoughts of your contraction pain vanish. Instead, you'll dwell on counting your baby's fingers and toes and trying to figure out who this new family member resembles.
No matter what type of delivery you've had, like your baby you'll be closely watched by the hospital staff in the first hours after delivery Your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature will be monitored repeatedly Your uterus will be massaged to speed involution. You'll be checked for signs of excessive bleeding or infection. Sometimes codeine or other medication is offered to relieve incision pain. Even an over-the-counter analgesic such as acetaminophen can help. Don't - hesitate to take a painkiller if you need it; it can speed your recovery and will not interfere with your ability to nurse successfully.
Physical Reactions
- Cesarean Delivery -
- Vaginal Delivery -
You may feel considerable pain from your incisions and moving around in bed may be difficult. Nonetheless, get out of bed as soon after surgery as possible for a short walk to minimize severe gas pains caused by the buildup of gas in the bowels. You may not be steady on your feet, so don't attempt this alone. You'll need to master the art of getting out of bed and walking without using your abdominal muscles. The hospital staff will show you how. It also helps to shift positions as best you can in bed and to avoid carbonated beverages. Your bladder catheter usually will remain in place until the next day; when it$ removed, you'll be encouraged to try to use the bathroom. Hunger is uncommon during the first day after delivery You'll probably be kept on a liquid diet until your bowels recover and can function normally (in 2 to 3 days). The uterus involutes just as it does following a vaginal delivery Women who have had C-sections also experience postpartum bleeding (lochia), although the discharge may be lighter because the uterus was swabbed out during surgery.
For the first several days postpartum, you'll continue to feel contractions as your uterus begins to shrink, a process called involution. More like bad menstrual cramps than the searing pain of labor contractions, they can nonetheless be quite painful, especially within the first 24 hours of delivery Involution cramps intensify during breastfeeding because the oxytocin released in nursing triggers the contractions. You may be offered medication (such as prescription-strength ibuprofen) to ease discomfort. You'll also bleed heavily after delivery, needing a change of sanitary pads every hour or so for the first day or two. You may also pass clots, some the size of small pancakes, in the first 24 hours. Called lochia, this discharge starts out bright red and gradually subsides and fades in color over the next few weeks.
Medical Checks
Emotional Reactions

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