6 Useful Tips and Tricks to Deal with Your Hair Problems

In the century we are living in, hair problems are not limited to hair loss only. There are many hair issues and due to various reasons like pollution, genetics, bad diet, or some mineral deficiency. Due to our low-protein diet and intake of more junk, hair issues are common among men and women alike. Hair is considered the most attractive feature of someone’s personality. Besides beauty, it is good for our mental health to take care of all parts of our whole body. As Bruce Willis quotes,

“Hair loss is God’s way of telling me I’m human”.

When I was going through my busy study routine a few months back, I used to neglect my hair care routine. I didn’t comb my hair for days, took baths quickly without proper conditioning, and never oiled them. Due to these days, I faced severe hair problems. As I had long hair, they required more care and attention. So, in no time, I reached the best doctors in Peshawar who can tell me the main cause of it. I came to know that about one-third of the population is facing hair loss. We not only learned about the cure of hair problems; but, about their diet, color, and cause of problems.

What causes Hairfall?

Our hair is basically made of keratin protein. But besides the less intake of protein, there are many other issues too that cause hair fall. Some of the major issues are

  • Unhealthy Diet
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Staying inactive physically
  • Emotional distress
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstrual cycle
  • Infection in scalp
  • Age
  • Genetic Hair loss

Tips to Improve your Hair Growth

I learned many new tips and tricks to make my hair healthy and more strong through my experience. My doctor treated my hair well, changed a bit of my diet, and then asked me to keep a check on my daily hair care routine. Some of the tips I found most useful are detailed below.

  • Taking care of your hair

The first-ever step you can take is to value yourself, your features and accept them. Only you have to take care of them. Be firm and love yourself. You can take care of your hair by:

  • Oiling your hair twice a week can boost growth.
  • Massaging your hair really helps in blood flow and easy reach of diet to the follicles.
  • Washing your hair every second day to keep them tidy.
  • Stay hydrated, it will improve your overall health along with your hair.
  • Avoid unhealthy junk food and bakery items
  • Diet with enriching proteins

Our unhealthy diet is one of the prime reasons for our bad health. Eating food that’s not rich in proteins can limit the growth of your hair. Make a proper diet plan including food rich in proteins. Some of the foods that improve your hair growth rate are,

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Seeds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Green peas
  • Nuts
  • Berries
  • Carrots
  • Providing them Vitamins

Intake of vitamins is necessary for hair growth in both men and women. Vitamin D and vitamin C are meant to lessen hair loss.

  • Biotin and Niacin are the vitamins for hair growth
  • Minerals such as iron and zinc are necessary for health.
  • Try to eat food supplements such as citrus fruit for vitamin C.
  • Utilizing home remedies

There are many impressive home remedies discovered. They prove to be beneficial for some people and not for others. It’s basically a hit and trial method. Some of the home remedies I found useful are,

  • Onion Juice
  • Ginger juice
  • Applying egg and yogurt
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Managing stress

Stress is the root of many health issues. It causes mental and physical illness. Due to these health issues, hair loss becomes quite common. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and narrows the blood vessels. Due to a decrease in blood supply to the hair, many hair issues are increasing.

  • Visiting a Doctor

Treating yourself and trying different home remedies comes in one line but visiting your doctor regularly is on another side. You should visit a hospital near you and have a regular check-up. My hair problem was identified by my doctor at Khattak medical center, he taught me well on my issues. The regular visit to the doctor will help in the diagnosis of disease if any. Overall, this step will help in improving your many health problems.


Treating your hair will help you to solve many other health-related problems. Everything is just a step far, a step of motivation, a step of loving yourself, and a step of understanding your worth. We all should stop neglecting our small problems; and, preventing them from becoming chronic issues.

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[…] Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research in 2018, 60.3% of the working-class males suffer from hair loss problems, while 17.1% experience dandruff […]


[…] are a total of exactly 2 hair loss medications that are FDA approved for male pattern hair loss right now. There is over-the-counter Minoxidil like you can find in Rogaine products, as well as […]