Is Yoga Good for Kidney Disease?

Who doesn’t like to stay fit and healthy? Everyone wants that attractive body from the outside, no matter how many hours it requires to burn those extra fats in the gym. But are you sure you are opting the right way? Is everything that looks great from the outside matter?

Table of content –

  1. Why is Yoga beneficial for kidney disease?
  2. How is Yoga associated with Ayurveda?
  3. Which Yoga poses are suitable for kidney disease?
  4. Take Away.


Ok! No more questions; let us jump into the answers of each. Our body is made of different tissues and organs; these organs perform their own work in order to keep the human body alive. Though it is important to take care of the body from the outside, it is equally important to focus on inner care as well, especially when you are suffering from kidney disease.

Kidney disease is a serious condition. One is said to be suffering from kidney disorder when the urinary organ is unable to function normally. Some changes in your medical reports indicate a kidney disease, which can be –

  • High level of creatinine in the blood
  • Increase of protein in the urine
  • Increase in the level of uric acid, and
  • High level of urea in the blood


These changes report that the kidneys are not able to function normally, and you are suffering from kidney disease. And in such a case the ayurvedic kidney treatment is required for the curing the disease naturally. The kidney ayurvedic treatment in India is known for its varied and dimensional healing methods, and the most important part of ayurvedic treatment for kidney is Yoga.


Why is Yoga beneficial for kidney disease?

Yes, that is right. Yoga is not only the best way to keep your body fit but it is also practiced for controlling kidney disease naturally. Yoga asanas are beneficial for a person of any age or gender. From a young child to an older adult, anyone can practice Yoga in their daily life.

Yoga is the branch of medical science that consists of art, science, and philosophy. It helps individuals join the powers of mind, soul, and body that are the building blocks of quality life. Different yoga poses (asana) stimulate different organs and make them healthy. These asanas help individuals bring their bodies in optimal condition.


How is Yoga associated with Ayurveda?

Yoga and Ayurveda have become two such branches of medical science that have contributed a lot to the personal well-being of an individual. Whether it is healing the body physically or getting instant relief from mental conditions like stress and anxiety, Yoga has always been the spiritual and natural answer to all the health complications. Kidney Treatment by Yoga is known to have its excellent benefits.

Just like Ayurveda uses all sorts of natural products such as rare herbs and medicinal plants, healing with Yoga only requires a person to perform certain poses (asana). Performing Yoga asana stimulates relaxation and manages water retention in the body. It further improves sleep schedules and thus providing a calmed and relaxed body.


Which Yoga poses are suitable for kidney disease?

Various asana in Yoga keeps our internal organs healthy and keeps a balance between different cycles inside the body. You will also encounter various asana and pranayama that make the body free from harmful toxins and related substances. Since you are involved in Yoga regularly, it will ensure a free flow of blood throughout your body, especially the kidney.

Some yoga poses can be named as –

  1. Baddhakon asana– This asana includes the back part of the body and puts pressure on the kidneys.
  2. Marichy asana– This pose again pressurizes the kidneys when the back is twisted and turned.
  3. Ardh Matsendra asana– While doing this pose, the spine is twisted by a half part that directly stimulates the working of kidneys.
  4. Nauka asana– This pose is known as the boat pose. It is beneficial to the kidneys and helps them detoxify.
  5. Bhujang asana– The bhujang anas is done in the posture of a snake, which directly pressurizes the kidneys and is perfect for kidney patients.
  6. Marduk asana– This pose is done while depicting the posture of a frog. Once we do this yoga asana, there is a chance of reducing many kidney diseases. Just by doing active Manduk posture for 5 to 10 minutes daily, you will be saved from dangerous diseases like urinary organ cysts disorder, joint pains, diabetes, and inflammation.
  7. Pawan mukt asana– This pose is known as gas passing asana. It contains an immediate result on the body by managing the health of your heart and heat connected diseases. Kidney patients are advised to practice pawanmuktasana.
  8. Balasana– The child pose compresses the kidneys and helps them in better functioning. It would be more beneficial if one places a warm blanket on the back while doing the asana.


Take Away –

Now talking about Kidney treatment by Yoga, there is already enough evidence available for us to believe the amazing effects of Yoga on healing kidneys. Practicing suitable Yoga poses not just brings a drastic impact on our kidneys but also make the whole body much healthier.

Once a kidney patient starts practicing some special yoga poses, there are many visible changes noticed in the functioning of the kidneys, which consists of a dip in creatinine levels and disease in the amount of protein in the urine.


Disclaimer –

Do not practice any yoga pose without doctor’s consultation or experts’ guidance. A medical attention is required before making changes in the routine or physical exercise.

Author Bio:

I am a fitness enthusiast; eating healthy and maintaining a proper lifestyle is my mantra. I am Suyashi Shukla, a yoga expert in a leading ayurvedic hospital. With an experience of more than 3 years I am exceeding in the field to provide just the accurate information to everyone. With my over the years’ experience I have come across many patients suffering from different disease, and they were in a better condition after practicing accurate yoga asana. The treatment of Ayurveda can be complicated if not provided with right information. With my passion towards writing, I am keen to help my readers with accurate knowledge about yoga asanas and correct posture. Yoga can heal the diseases and body impairments from within. My article is like showing the readers the right poses and its affects in order to end up the disease. I hope my efforts of bringing yoga more like a treatment works in the right way.

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